St. Clairsville Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

Asbestos exposure is a significant threat to residents of St. Clairsville, Ohio, as it can cause serious illness or even death. Asbestos exposure can lead to mesothelioma—a form of cancer-specific to asbestos—and other forms of cancer such as lung, ovarian, or testes. Ohio has some of the highest rates of asbestos-related deaths in the country.

Symptoms of asbestos exposure may not surface for years after exposure, and victims face extreme difficulties after their diagnosis. Covering the cost of treatment is nearly impossible due to the astronomical rates. Victims of asbestos exposure are entitled to damages to cover expenses associated with medical treatment, lost income, and loss of earning potential.

If you are suffering from health complications because of asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact a St. Clairsville asbestos exposure lawyer at Bordas & Bordas to discuss your legal rights and options. One of our dedicated personal injury attorneys is prepared to help you seek justice for your damages.

Asbestos Lawsuits

Once you have discussed the circumstances of your case with one of our knowledgeable asbestos attorneys in St. Clairsville, we can advise you of the next steps. Concerning asbestos lawsuits, you can file either a personal injury action, a wrongful death case, or a workplace accident lawsuit if you were exposed while on the job.

After receiving an asbestos-related diagnosis like mesothelioma, it is crucial to discuss your case with a seasoned legal professional as soon as possible because there are strict time limitations for filing a personal injury or wrongful death related to asbestos. In Ohio, victims have just two years to file for personal injuries related to asbestos exposure.

If you file a claim for damages, you must do so within the statute of limitations or risk forfeiting your right to recovery. It is important to note that even if your exposure was ten years ago, the statute of limitations starts at the onset of your illness. Our experienced asbestos exposure lawyers in St. Clairsville will work with you to determine the appropriate time frame for a lawsuit.

Compensation For Victims of Asbestos Exposure

If you were exposed to high levels of asbestos for prolonged periods and suffer from a related illness, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Our firm deals with asbestos-related issues frequently and is prepared to advocate for fair financial recovery based on the circumstances of your case.

Our compassionate attorneys understand that asbestos victims face enormous medical bills and cannot work for extended periods. These factors are critical to building your case. A well-practiced St. Clairsville attorney is familiar with the complications surrounding asbestos illnesses and will advocate for adequate compensation, including your past and future medical expenses and lost income.

Substantial Factor Test

When you are suffering from an asbestos-related illness and seeking compensation, you must prove that you were exposed to asbestos and your diagnosis. But if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, you do not need to demonstrate exposure because asbestos is the only cause of this illness.

For other illnesses, you will need to show that asbestos exposure was a substantial factor in causing the illness. Courts will look at the manner of exposure, the proximity of the exposure, the frequency and length, and any mitigating factors, according to Ohio Revised Code 2307.96. Judges also have the discretion to consider any other factors they deem relevant.

A St. Clairsville Asbestos Exposure Attorney Could Help You Seek Justice

Reach out to a St. Clairsville asbestos exposure lawyer from Bordas & Bordas today if you or a loved one are suffering from an asbestos-related illness. Our proactive team of attorneys will investigate the circumstances of your asbestos exposure and work to get you the compensation you deserve.

Our team of diligent attorneys have a proven track-record of winning compensation for those harmed in toxic exposure cases, including one case involving a settlement of $36.5 million from the negligent party and its insurance carriers. Call now.