What a Blessing: Healthy Twin Girls!

What a Blessing: Healthy Twin Girls!
What a Blessing: Healthy Twin Girls!

A wonderful and joyous occasion has happened in my family. My nephew, Corey Murphy and his wife, Lauren are now the PROUD parents of twin girls. They named them Leah Lucinda Murphy, middle name after Corey's Mom Lucinda (Cindy) Murphy, and Lily Grace Murphy. They entered into this world in the early morning hours of Tuesday, August 19, 2014. My mother's side of the family was blessed with twin girls approximately twenty-nine years ago named Lydia Eddy & Andrea Eddy. Lydia and Andrea did not live close, so I did not get to see them very often. Oh, if Facebook would have been around then, I could have watched them grow into the beautiful ladies they are now.

Corey's side of the Murphy family had not been blessed with twins, as far as I know. What a blessing these two girls are, too. Every child born on this earth is truly a blessing, but wow, twins are double the blessing. For anyone who has been blessed with even more than twin like triplets, quadruplets, etc., I could not even imagine their excitement. Don't get me wrong, when there is just one healthy child, it is very exciting as well.

It has been and will continue to be exciting to watch these twins girls grow in to beautiful young ladies along with their big sisters, Haley, (soon to be seven years old), and Lindsay (four years old). Lauren married the right man to be able to live in a house with five women. Yes count them, five women. Oh my, I know that only Corey has the patience to take care of all of these women in this household. Corey, I will be praying for you, but I know you can and will be able to handle it. I have watched Corey grow up and develop into a wonderful man, husband and now a father. What fun times are in store for him and all of those Thumbnail image for Lily & Leah in BFF outfits.jpggirls in the future, i.e. shopping, dances, boyfriends . . . immediately I think: "LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS, oh my!" But, I am getting way ahead of the game here. Let's enjoy the moment.

Thank you Lord for blessing Corey and Lauren with these beautiful, healthy twin girls! I know that Corey's Mom, Cindy, had to have something to do with this blessing from heaven. And, to top it all off, the twins were born on Cindy's Mom, Ann Lesch's, birthday. How cool to have your great-granddaughters born on your birthday. I so look forward to seeing what the future has in store for these little ones. We have been TRULY BLESSED all the way around with these adorable twin girls. We have a lot to be thankful for Lord!