Water Please

Water Please

Water Please

With summertime, comes heat, and with heat can come dehydration. As much as we all love summer, please keep in mind our bodies need some extra attention and help to maintain a healthy core.  Water intake can play a big role in this.

Myself, like many others, do not consume enough water daily.  I personally would much rather drink something much better tasting than water.  I can assure you it is not my drink of preference as it should be.  Thus, I find myself on the verge of dehydration, especially when I am outside soaking up the sun and not consuming the water my body needs.  Our bodies use water to regulate everything, and we need more depending on physical exercise, external heat and sickness.  Staying hydrated and healthy is important.

Here are some sure tell signs that you too may be on the verge of dehydration:
Dry, sticky mouth
Less frequent urination
Muscle cramps
Increased heart rate
Less skin elasticity
Dry, cool skin (feels rough and itchy)

The next time you are reaching for that ohhh sooo good diet soda or gusto, ask yourself if you have hydrated sufficiently for the day. If not, reach for the water first!  You won’t be sorry.