Unwinding After a Long Day

Unwinding After a Long Day
Unwinding After a Long Day

We have all had those long days where we can’t wait to get home and relax, only to find that once we’re home, we still can’t relax. I am probably one of the worst at relaxing. Most everyone who knows me, knows I am hyper, so I often have trouble winding down at the end of the day. I have been trying to do a better job of this by taking an evening walk to clear my head. It has definitely helped, but I have a long way to go. I also hope to incorporate other relaxation tips as well, because taking time to relax is important for our mental and physical health. Here are some other tips you might try to help you unwind and relax after a long day: 

  1. Exercise- Take a nice relaxing walk or do some light exercise (without your phone, so there are no distractions).
  2. Don’t check emails (for a period of time, if at all possible).
  3. Do yard work- Gardening can be very relaxing.
  4. Have family dinner- Enjoy each other’s company and talk.
  5. Take a relaxing bath.
  6. Sit on the porch/outside- Listen to nature, read, etc.
  7. Play with your dog or pet- They always make you feel good. 
  8. Try a new hobby (preferably something fun and not too stressful or it defeats the purpose LOL).
  9. Listen to your favorite music.
  10. Laugh a lot- Laughing can relieve physical tension and stress, and is just overall good for us!

Hopefully, these tips are helpful in unwinding after a long day. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy lifestyle!