Sustained By Faith, Inspired By The Love of Others: The Words Of Colleen Pietz, A Breast Cancer Survivor
Bordas & Bordas is proud to feature a guest post today by Colleen Pietz, a local breast cancer survivor, as part of our ongoing support of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We are also proud to support the 8th Annual Driving Fore a Cure Golf Classic, which occurs today at Oglebay Park. The proceeds of Driving Fore A Cure stay in the Ohio Valley to help women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
"When you can't control the wind, adjust your sails!" Wisdom on a Dove Dark Chocolate bite foil wrapper, attributed to Brenda of Scholfield, WI.
Since 2009 these words have graced my workplace and home, reminding me that no matter what in life is out of my control, I can still determine my reaction.
I am an ABCS. A Breast Cancer Survivor!
That is how I've viewed myself from the beginning. This attitude was shored up with more words of wisdom from my mom and her great well of faith. She told me that "all is well, God is in control". So it was my job to adjust, adapt and live. To grow through the pain, allow tears to wash away fear and nourish my soul, accept help from friends and strangers alike, make lifestyle changes, grow in faith and trust.
I've had a lot of help along the way maintaining my attitude. The kindness of others has been a blessing. The care, concern and support shown by my close circle of friends and family helped me through some tough times. Their continued support sustains me every day.
Participating in the Relay for Life in 2010 brought me a chance encounter with a friend and that brought the Strength for Life program into my life. Supported by Driving for a Cure, survivors worked with a trainer in a healthy, safe environment. It has been a life changing and enriching experience. Thank you Kathy, Ali, Mo, Chauncey and all the wonderful survivors I've met and trained with.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There are so many companies promoting awareness, donating money to research and early detection efforts. One of my favorite efforts started in 2009. It is the YouTube video of the Pink Glove Dance and there was such an enthusiastic response that it has become a competition repeated every October. There have been over 13 million views. This year they expanded the competition to include Europe. In fact, they will be voting soon for the 2013 winner. Check it out at: Whenever I watch it I smile through the tears as my attitude, once again is buoyed.
Colleen Pietz, ABCS