Give All Year Long

Give All Year Long
Give All Year Long

Every year Thanksgiving through Christmas, I always wonder how people down on their luck survive once the holidays are over. Of course, giving to various charities is wonderful during the holidays, but there are still people going hungry.  There are still homeless. There are still the elderly who have to choose between buying medicine or food. These are just some of the problems people face every day. No one should feel helpless or hopeless no matter what time of the year it is.

It just breaks my heart to see the homeless huddled on the air vents to keep warm during the colder months and to see homeless kids. I don’t know their circumstances, and I don’t need to know. All I do know is they need a little help. Shouldn’t we help if we can?

For those that are able, give food or money to a food bank. Give blankets and hygiene items to a homeless shelter. Give to an organization that builds houses for the homeless, or help build them yourself. Look around your neighborhood and see the elderly who live there and give them a hand. It can be something as simple as carrying their trash to the curb or mowing their lawn. There are many things you can do to better the lives of others. Just do something. Giving spawns giving. Love begets love. If enough people help each other, there will be fewer homeless, fewer hungry, fewer hopeless, and maybe there will be a little more compassion in the world – no matter what time of the year it is.