This week's episode of the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review features Jamie Bordas and Chris Regan going through what is sure to be an exciting and controversial term at the United States Supreme Court. If you think our government isn't getting along when it comes to spending, health care, and the debt ceiling, wait until you see the things we really aren't getting along about such that they have reached the level of being set for oral argument in the United States Supreme Court. Whether it is campaign finance, affirmative action, abortion, public prayer, or presidential power, Bordas and Regan will break down the key issues and even give you a couple of predictions as to how these crucial cases may determine how the future of our country will turn out.
You can view the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review locally on Comcast Channel 14 or online, both streaming and in the archives. The current episode is embedded above.
Pick up this episode through the WLUTV archives, and be sure to check the WLUTV schedule for other B&BLR show times and programming.