The Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Discusses Premises Liability

The Bordas & Bordas Legal Review Discusses Premises Liability

This week join Jamie Bordas and his frequent guest, (why is this guy always available?) Chris Regan, for another engaging and lively episode of the Bordas & Bordas Legal Review. This week, Chris and Jamie discuss premises liability, an area of the law dealing with the obligations of landowners to customers, visitors, and even, in very rare cases, trespassers, on their properties. If you own property or visit those who do, you will want to watch this informative half-hour of television on West Liberty's outstanding television station.

You can tune in to Comcast Channel 14 or watch this episode in the Vimeo archives.

Check out the WLUTV schedule for other B&BLR show times and programming from WLUTV.