Too Much Tech?

Too Much Tech?
Too Much Tech?

Ever sit and think about how much technology is directly at our fingertips? How simple technological advancements have completely changed our lives? The thought entered my mind when discovered my hometown has a Civic Sign Up website. During my little league softball days, for years my parents would drag me to sign ups. Although I loved playing, the whole thing was such a bore to me. Once my parents tackled the obstacle of getting me to sign up, they then enter Phase 2 which is me losing my practice/game schedule. With this new website you can sign up your child, view their schedule, and any events/fundraisers that may come up. This new development is absolutely incredible and wish it was something available when I was child.

I then began to think about all the tech upgrades I’ve had in just my lifetime. I have watched media evolve. I, like most girls in the 90’s was obsessed with the Spice Girls. I had their movie and concerts all on VHS tape. The thought of using a VCR now is so draining. But to purchase those VHS Tapes I would have to beg/torment someone to drive me to the local Blockbuster. With the advancement from VCR, to DVD Player, and now streaming services, I have the slightest idea where to even visit such a retro video store. All media I consume whether it’s music, movies, or even the news, is all digital.

Technology has even seeped into my church. I read the bible from my iPad. The order of service is displayed from a projector along with opening songs. My church even has an app, so if you’re like me and never seem to stop at the ATM for cash Sunday Morning, you can simply log onto the app and give your offering and Tithes.

These are just some of the few advancements in my short lifetime. I could go on about GPS and flip phones just to name a few. I’m excited what’s next to come in future generations.