Tips for First Year College Students

Tips for First Year College Students
Tips for First Year College Students

College is an exciting time when most teenagers embark on their first real life journey.

While it might be an exciting time, though, first-year college students can also find themselves somewhat unsure of themselves. They can be unsure about what to major in, how many extracurriculars to get involved with or simply what color of comforter to get for your dorm room. The smallest little details all seem to matter.

Although no one has to get it right the first time, here are some tips to help:

  • Make sure to set aside time for studying and completing homework. It can be easy to put things off until the last minute your first year on your own. 
  • Try to get involved in some sort of club or sport. This is a great opportunity for you to meet new people and possibly create friendships you’ll have for your college stay or an entire lifetime. Another perk is involvement looks amazing on a resume. 
  • Take good notes in class. Pen and paper may seem old school, but there have been studies showing writing down lessons increases your chances of remembering specific details.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help -- whether regarding schoolwork or in your personal life. 
  • College is a time for making mistakes. The mistakes you make in college will better prepare you for life outside of college. 

All in all, enjoy college for what it is. These tips may be helpful but remember to do college however you choose.