Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Take Me Out to the Ball Game

When you and a group of good friends go to a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game you never know what will happen. To say the least, there is never a dull moment when my friends and I are all together. And this was the case when we recently went to a ball game.

We had good food and conversation, celebrated a birthday, and had an extremely good time watching our friend who had never been to PNC Park go crazy and take everything in. When you see someone get that excited over what I take for granted, you see things in a new light. I was so happy for her, but I think she scared the Pittsburgh Pirates Parrot. She was so excited to see him and, of course, we all had to get our pictures taken with him. Just watching her made my day. The Pirates lost but you would have never known that the way we were having fun.

On the way home, my SUV decided to break down coming out of Pittsburgh. I started to notice the car was very hard to steer, the battery light came on, the check engine light came on and the automobile started to overheat. I drove it until I could find a safe place to pull over with the six of us in the SUV. I wanted to make sure we were safe with two of my friends sitting in the third row.

We sat there for a while, and I tried to start the SUV again to see if we could make it home. No such luck. So, I called my husband to let him know what was going on and told him he needed to come and pick us up. He also had to have our son drive a car because we could not all fit in one car. Thank you both for coming!

I then called AAA, which had me on the phone for almost an hour because they were having computer problems and could not figure out where I was. I don’t know if I could have explained it to her any more than by saying I was on I-79 South about three-quarters of a mile from Carnegie exit 57. The sign was right in front of us!

She asked if I felt unsafe where I broke down and, of course, I told her, “Oh my stars, YES!” I had her on speaker so we could all hear what was going on. Then, while we were waiting, we had a conversation in the SUV and I asked the girls, “Where’s a cop when you need one?” The AAA lady asked us if we saw police. We all laughed, and I told her no, we are just stating the fact that no one had stopped, police or a good Samaritan. That’s sad because I have so much faith there are still good people out there willing to help.

As we waited for the tow truck, my husband and son showed up. We laughed, saying this is how memories are made. At the time I was really upset, but I prayed I didn’t show it.

When everyone finally showed up, I had money out for a tip for the tow truck driver, but my friends all pitched in and tipped him for me. They knew I was embarrassed that we broke down and we had to sit for almost two hours in a hot SUV with only two windows opened. My friends went the extra mile the following day. I received beautiful flowers wishing the SUV a speedy recovery, which made the following day so much brighter. Who does that? My good friends, who are the most awesome ladies on earth! Thank you again.

When I got them all back to their cars safely, we were still laughing about the whole experience we had together. Then we started talking about where our next adventure should be. So, no matter what happens on a trip with good friends, just remember you need good girlfriends who support, lift, and hold you up when you need it the most. I know I have the best friends ever! Thank you, ladies, again for the flowers. The SUV is home and doing well.

Rock on people; rock on. Adopt don’t shop and spay and neuter your pets. Always remember, dog fighting is not a sport; it’s abuse and needs to be reported to your local authorities.