A Reminder of Community at Christmas

A Reminder of Community at Christmas
A Reminder of Community at Christmas

Community pride is a staple to the Ohio Valley. It is what keeps the area together, especially in trying times. This year has been especially hard on many families in the Ohio Valley. The pandemic has brought many challenges. Family time has been cut short. We see our friends more on social media than we do in person. Uncertainty continues to play a large role in daily life.

However, one constant has remained this year working to tie that community pride with Ohio Valley families: Pastor Darrell Cummings. His schedule has remained the same despite the difficulties involved in maintaining it. Just take a look:

Stuff the Bus. Adopt-A-Student Program. Back to School Festival. Charity Basketball. Weekly Food Pantry. After School Program. Thanksgiving Food Basket Giveaway. To cap the year off – Christmas Basket Giveaway.

I have had the opportunity to volunteer at many of these events. I can tell you firsthand this year is different from years past. The lines for food have increased. The availability of volunteers has decreased. During the Thanksgiving event, over 1,000 families received groceries for a Thanksgiving dinner. Cars were lined up from the North Wheeling Dream Center to as far as the eyes could see. Supplies became depleted while demand still existed. For Christmas, Pastor Cummings is working overtime to make sure community needs are met and children receive toys while their families are able to enjoy a nice dinner in celebration of the season.

If you would like to volunteer or donate to the Christmas Basket Giveaway, please call 304-233-8899. With the community involved, we can have a successful event and bring cheer to many needing it most right now.