National U.S. Postage Stamp Day

National U.S. Postage Stamp Day
National U.S. Postage Stamp Day

July 1 is National U.S. Postage Stamp Day.  It is a day that celebrates and recognizes how easy it is to send and receive mail.  A stamp not only shows that payment was made for the delivery of a letter or package, but it can also celebrate and promote important events and messages.  However, it seems like more and more people today are sending messages via email, text, social media, etc…. rather than by mail.  Personally, I still look forward to receiving a letter or card in the mail, because it seems more personal. 

In honor of National U.S. Postage Stamp Day, I thought it would be fun to look at some of the history of the U.S. postage stamp.  The following are some fun facts about U.S. Postage Stamps that you may not have known:

  1. The United States issued its first postage stamps in July 1847, which featured a five cent red brown stamp depicting Benjamin Franklin and a ten cent black stamp with George Washington.

  1. In 1855, the postage stamp became mandatory.   Prior to that time, stamps were not required to mail letters and delivery was paid for by the recipient.

  1. The first woman to appear on a United States postage stamp was Queen Isabella, featured on a stamp in 1893.

  1. The first American woman to appear on a stamp was Martha Washington, who appeared on an eight cent stamp in 1902.

  1. There were stamps featuring Native Americans as a group, but the first Native American featured individually on a stamp was a woman, Pocahontas, in 1907.

  1. The first African American to be honored on a stamp was Booker T. Washington in 1940.

  1. The first Hispanic American to be honored on a stamp was Admiral David Farragut in 1903.

  1. The most popular commemorative stamp to date has been the stamp honoring Elvis Presley.

  1. George Washington has appeared on more U.S. Stamps than any other person.

  1. People who collect stamps are called Philatelists.

So, next time you want to send a note or message to someone, think about sending it through the mail.  Happy National U.S. Postage Stamp Day!