National Honey Month

National Honey Month
National Honey Month

In 1989, the National Honey Board declared the month of September as National Honey Month to promote the beekeeping industry and honey as a natural sweetener.  Seems appropriate to celebrate in September since the largest production of honey in most of the U.S. comes during this month.

Honey can be used in so many ways.  It’s rich in antioxidants and has many health benefits.  You may remember your parents or grandparents giving you honey as a child to help suppress your cough.  Many people also use it as a sweetener in their food and drink.

According to the National Honey Board, there are over 300 different kinds of honey worldwide.    In celebration of National Honey Month, I thought it would be fun to learn more about honey and honeybees.  So, here are some interesting and fun facts:

  1. Honey is produced in every state;
  2. North Dakota produces the most honey;
  3. Honeybees (worker) can fly somewhere between 15-20 mph;
  4. Mead is an alcoholic beverage made with honey;
  5. Drambuie, a Scottish liqueur, is made with honey;
  6. Utah is known as the Beehive State;
  7. The honeybee became West Virginia’s official state insect in 2002;
  8. In addition to West Virginia, 16 other states have the honeybee as their state insect;
  9. The honeybee has 4 wings and 5 eyes;
  10. Honey collection season typically concludes in September as bees begin to secure their hives and prepare for winter.

Happy Honey Month!