National Administrative Professionals’ Day

National Administrative Professionals’ Day
National Administrative Professionals’ Day

While you should appreciate your secretary, administrative assistant, receptionists and other administrative professionals every single day, don’t forget to formally recognize their tireless efforts on April 21 -- National Administrative Professionals’ Day!

These are the people who keep the office running smoothly. Organization and efficiency are key to running your business. These are the people that make that happen. Whether it be fielding phone calls, keeping your calendar, scheduling appointments, drafting memos and letters, and even reminding you it’s your kid’s birthday (hopefully not), administrative assistants are the ones we rely on every day to keep our heads straight.

Have you ever noticed how nothing seems to work when they go on vacation? I have. It’s times like that I always take a moment to appreciate the crucial services they provide on a day-to-day basis. They take care of these tasks so I can focus on what I do. Without them, I’d be a mess.

I’d miss my appointments, deadlines and simply not be able to function with all the distractions that fill a workday. And I’m always impressed with their ability to multi-task and just take care of things. I appreciate it!

The support staff at Bordas & Bordas is unparalleled. They are some of the friendliest, kindest, wonderful and, most importantly, patient people I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. Their days are chaotic, and yet they always manage to have a smile on their faces and handle their high-paced days with ease.

They deserve recognition for all they do. So, on April 21, let them know by taking them to lunch or getting them a gift or whatever you can think of to let them know you appreciate everything they do.

Just don’t give them the day off because you won’t get anything accomplished!