My Latest Hobby

My Latest Hobby
My Latest Hobby

After taking a large amount of credit hours last semester and having no time for any fun, I was finally able to have some downtime over my Christmas break. Due to the large amount of assignments, projects and tests that I knew I would have to complete, I made the decision to cancel my Netflix account in August. I thought this was a very wise choice and that I was keeping myself away from any distractions. I renewed my account in December and did not know what to watch first, I wanted to start a good series that I could watch once or twice a day.

For years, I had heard my friends talk non-stop about how "Great," "Awesome," "Funny," and "Addicting" the show Friends was. No matter how entertaining the show was, I refused to start watching for many reasons. One being that if any 90s show was going to be my favorite it would be obviously be Full House. No matter how much they would beg me to watch it, I would refuse. I recently read an article at the beginning of January that featured all the new TV series and movies coming to Netflix in 2015, and it just so happened that Friends was at the top of the list. After trying to ignore it, my willpower broke and I decided that I would give the famous sitcom a shot.

After watching the first episode, I decided to watch a second, and a third, and well, I think you Friends lovers know what happened next; I couldn't stop! I would like to apologize to all my friends for bashing the show and not giving it a chance sooner. I absolutely love the cast and have laughed through each episode that I have watched.

To avoid the couch potato/Netflix junkie label, I downloaded the Netflix app on my iPad and I watch it while working out on the elliptical. It makes my workouts more enjoyable and watching three, 22 minute episodes balances out to a little over an hour of cardio.

I am almost done with Season 1 and I love how each episode incorporates a life lesson. The titles of each episode are also extremely simple and clever; for example, each title has "The One With" and then has a description of the episode. Although I was only about 2 years old when the first season was filmed, the reruns have captured my heart. The show has left me wishing that I would've been a teenager in the 90s. I'm also patiently waiting for some of the awesome fashion trends to come back into style. Except jelly shoes...I think we can all agree that those need to stay in the 90s. Watching the show has also made me appreciate the friendship with my awesome neighbors in my apartment. If you haven't watched Friends, my advice to you is to not be the stubborn one who won't give in. With a total of 10 seasons and 236 episodes, I think it is safe to say I will be entertained for some time to come.


After taking a large amount of credit hours last semester and having no time for any fun, I was finally able to have some downtime over my Christmas break. Due to the large amount of assignments, projects and tests that I knew I would have to complete, I made the decision to cancel my Netflix account in August. I thought this was a very wise choice and that I was keeping myself away from any distractions. I renewed my account in December and did not know what to watch first, I wanted to start a good series that I could watch once or twice a day.