The Mullet Makes a Comeback

The Mullet Makes a Comeback
The Mullet Makes a Comeback

Growing up in the 1980s, I never thought I’d see the mullet make a comeback.

However, recently my 17-year old son (who is on his second mullet) and others seem to have proven me wrong. Apparently, the mullet is becoming all the rage among teens, celebrities, musicians, etc.

For those not familiar with the mullet, it’s where the hair is short on the sides and top, but long in the back. You might remember Billy Ray Cyrus, Patrick Swayze, Mario Lopez, Joan Jett, Larry Bird and Jaromir Jagr, just to name a few of the celebrities and professional athletes who have rocked the mullet. (The list goes on and on.) 

National Mullet Day is apparently celebrated on July 2 and Australia even has a National Mullet Fest where they crown the “Best Mullet of them All.” Although the mullet has been around for quite some time, I didn’t realize it had so many endearing nicknames. So, since the mullet is making a comeback, I thought it would be fun to share some of them.

Here are just a few:

Business in the Front and Party in the Back;

Kentucky Waterfall;

Camaro Cut;

Beaver Paddle;

Neck Warmer;


Tennessee Top Hat;

Mississippi Mud Flap; and

Missouri Compromise.

If you know of any other nicknames for the mullet, please share. I’m always looking for new ones to share with my son!

Happy mullets everyone!