Just Wing It!

Just Wing It!
Just Wing It!

The Wheeling area usually has a full schedule of charitable and fundraising events for local organizations, but much of that has changed as a result of the pandemic. The need for social distancing has prevented many of the annual events residents of the Ohio Valley look forward to each year, including the Wheeling Health Right Annual Chef’s Auction. The Chef’s Auction is Wheeling Health Right’s biggest fundraiser and missing the funds from this event has been difficult. Fortunately, Wheeling Health Right has paired up with restaurants, which have also been hit hard by pandemic shutdowns, to host a new, socially distanced, interactive fundraising event in which everyone can participate!

The event is called “Just Wing It!” Anytime you order wings from one of the participating restaurants from now until Feb. 24, 2021, you can place money in an entry box that is displayed at the restaurant. One dollar equals one vote for that restaurant as having the best wings around, and the money donated as votes goes to Wheeling Health Right. The restaurant with the highest earnings in the vote box will win the People’s Choice award from the contest. Nineteen local restaurants are participating, so you have plenty of options to test out different wings and cast your votes for the People’s Choice. You can also save your receipts from your wings purchases and submit them to be entered in a drawing to win gift cards to the participating restaurants.

At 2 p.m. on Feb. 24, 2021, a live broadcast event will be held at Wheeling Island Casino & Racetrack. During the live event, judges will participate in a blindfolded taste-test to judge five categories of wings submitted by participating restaurants, including wet (non-hot) wings, dry (non-hot) wings, hot wings, specialty wings and unique wings.

Wheeling Health Right is a nonprofit organization that provides health care to the uninsured and underinsured populations in the Wheeling and Ohio Valley area. The clinic opened in 1985 and has been recognized as one of the best free clinics in the United States. The staff and board members work tirelessly to obtain funding from many different sources, including government grants and donors. The clinic has expanded over the years to include a pharmacy and dental clinic and provides an opportunity for resident physicians and dental students to gain valuable experience treating patients in a hands-on setting, while providing much needed care for those who otherwise may not have access to it. They have also been active in testing for COVID-19 and have adapted to remain at their maximum capacity to treat patients throughout the pandemic.

Let’s help them continue to keep our community healthy!