Interesting New Year’s Resolution Statistics

Interesting New Year’s Resolution Statistics
Interesting New Year’s Resolution Statistics

New Year’s festivities have come and gone, and now it is time to look forward to 2021. For most, the New Year marks a new start. It’s a clear signal to make a change in your life that you have been putting off or to start a new hobby. Whether you want to exercise more, save more money or learn a new recipe, the beginning of the New Year is a perfect time to make the change you have been thinking about. The following are some interesting statistics and trends about New Year’s resolutions.

As we embark into 2021, according to a Finder survey, approximately 188.9 million American adults stated they aim to makes changes in their life or look to improve themselves in one way or another. Additionally, around 74 percent of women and 73 percent of men surveyed indicated they believe they will have a New Year’s resolution for 2021. Furthermore, Generation Z had the highest number of participants indicating they will have a New Year’s resolution at approximately 92 percent. The survey also specified the top categories for this New Year are career, family, health, love, money and self-improvement. These categories are not surprising and are certainly important facets of anyone’s life.

Although many indicated they will have New Year’s resolutions, approximately 23.1 million Americans believe they will not achieve their goal. The most common reason people cite for not believing they will accomplish their New Year’s resolution was lacking the willpower to do so. With that said, there are way more Americans who believe they will be able to achieve their New Year’s resolution (approximately 75 percent). As the survey illustrates, most Americans who have a New Year’s resolution believe they will accomplish it. That mindset will certainly be helpful as you begin the New Year.

One way to help achieve your New Year’s resolution is to make numerous smaller, attainable goals throughout the course of your year. Making milestones you want to accomplish on the way to your ultimate New Year’s resolution will help keep you motivated and on track to accomplish your larger New Year’s resolution.

The Finder survey gives a solid depiction of the trends amongst Americans as we start 2021. The value of a News Year’s resolution cannot be understated. The start of a new year provides all of us an opportunity to improve ourselves. Whether you are adding something new to your life or getting rid of a bad habit, positive change can help improve your relationships and your life. So as you start 2021 think about something you can do to create positive improvements for yourself and your community. One small resolution, can make big differences. Happy New Year!One way to help achieve your New Year’s resolution is to make numerous smaller, attainable goals throughout the course of your year.