Interesting and Fun Facts About Pumpkins

Interesting and Fun Facts About Pumpkins
Interesting and Fun Facts About Pumpkins

I love fall! It makes me think of cooler temperatures, changing leaves, hot chocolate, and, of course, pumpkins. If you haven’t noticed lately, everywhere you look, you can find something pumpkin-flavored or scented.

I must admit I do love pumpkin, whether it’s in a good dessert or just a wonderfully scented candle. Pumpkins and fall go hand in hand and since the first day of fall was September 23, I thought it would be fun to share some interesting facts about pumpkins:

  1. They take 90 to 120 days to grow;
  2. There are over 150 different varieties in the world today;
  3. They are a fruit;
  4. Illinois is the nation’s largest producer;
  5. It’s the official state fruit of New Hampshire;
  6. The yellow-orange flowers on a pumpkin vine are edible;
  7. They are packed with health benefits;
  8. The record for the heaviest pumpkin in the U.S. is 2,560 pounds (raised in Minnesota in October of 2022);
  9. They are believed to have originated in Central America;
  10. They grow on all continents except Antarctica; and
  11. The name “pumpkin” comes from the German word “pepon,” meaning large melon.

So, whether you are enjoying a good pumpkin latte, carving a pumpkin, or eating a pumpkin-flavored dessert, get outside and enjoy the fall weather and scenery.

Happy Fall!