The Importance of Staying Hydrated

The Importance of Staying Hydrated
The Importance of Staying Hydrated

We’ve moved toward the heart of summer and it’s extremely important to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Paying close attention to the number of liquids you put into your body can help you have a fun and productive summer. Drinking water constantly is a simple step many of us can take in order to make sure we are properly hydrated.

The key to staying hydrated is to make sure you’re drinking sufficient amounts of water. The necessary amount of water for each person will vary on a number of factors. It is important you understand your specific hydration needs and drink the amount of water that fits your lifestyle. Moreover, certain foods contain high levels of water content that can supplement your water intake. For instance, fruits such as watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapples, and oranges contain a high level of water content. Additionally, vegetables like iceberg lettuce, zucchini, and celery also contain high water content levels. 

In addition to helping with hydration, there are numerous other benefits of drinking water. According to Harvard Health Publishing, water helps with digestion, regulating body temperature, carrying nutrients to your cells, transporting oxygen to your cells, reducing constipation, and steadying your heartbeat, among other functions.

A tip for staying hydrated this summer is to carry a bottle of water with you as you go about your day. Simply having a water bottle with you at all times not only gives you water at your disposal but will also serve as a reminder to drink water when you have gone long durations without it. To ensure you are safe, please fill up a water bottle before leaving your house and avoid using water fountains. 

Enjoy your summer!