How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?
How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim?

This is one of the common questions we get in our practice, and it comes up frequently when we meet with a potential new client. There really is no one-size-fits-all answer. While every state imposes certain time limits for nearly every type of lawsuit claim, the time limits vary wildly depending on the type and even sub-type of claim being brought. For instance, personal injury lawsuits take many different forms, including injuries that occur in the workplace, on our roads, in our nursing homes, or in other ways. Even though each of these scenarios can be fairly categorized under “personal injury,” the timeframes to file each of those “personal injury” cases are often different. Of course, each of those time limits can be different from the time limits to file breach of contract, property damage, consumer, or other types of claims.

On top of that, the time limit can sometimes depend on the scope of knowledge available to the injured person at the time of the harmful incident. Many states have laws commonly known as a “discovery rule” that prevents the start of the time limit clock until the injured party can learn what or who exactly caused their injury. These time limits can extend or start delayed for other reasons as well, including age, mental state, triggering conditions and other reasons. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of needing to consider taking legal action, it will be extremely difficult to accurately determine the time limit to file your case online. But there is one easy, simple answer to this question – and that is “Not Enough Time to Wait.”

If you think you need to take legal action, you need to speak to a lawyer right away. The base time limits can be very short for certain types of cases, and it is almost certainly running on your ability to file a case as you’re reading this. So don’t wait. Contact a qualified lawyer today to get credible insight on your situation and to learn how soon you need to file a lawsuit.