Happy Father’s Day Weekend

Happy Father’s Day Weekend
Happy Father’s Day Weekend

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so how will you be celebrating the dad in your life?

As a child, I can remember making homemade gifts for my dad. Usually it was a picture spelling out “#1 Dad” or “My Dad, My Hero” with macaroni noodles plus a tie or a belt buckle. He always seemed so excited year after year to get his homemade crafts.  He must have had a closet full of ties he never wore (he was a mechanic by trade)

It wasn’t until I became a parent myself I realized just how special those homemade crafts are.  See, it isn’t about what you can buy, it’s about the thought that goes behind the gift that makes it special.

Now that I have a daughter of my own, I get to be on the other side and help her plan a special gift for my husband, her dad. She likes to buy her dad tools as he is in the construction field. She knows how hard he works and how the need for tools in his field never goes away. She usually accompanies the purchase with a homemade card or some other sentimental item to show him just how much she loves and appreciates him.

Two years ago, she made him a craft using a pair of work gloves and paint. She dipped her hands in the paint and put one handprint on each glove and attached the gloves together and we wrote the following poem on a card that was attached to the gloves:

“See these gloves daddy?  They don’t fit me just yet, but my handprints are on them so you never forget. I am only small for a little while, so remember my hands and remember my smile. I love you daddy with all of my heart. No matter how much I grow, we will never grow apart.”

That pair of gloves meant more to my husband than any tool she could ever buy him.

The other tradition we have on Father’s Day is my daughter and I usually make my husband a nice big breakfast or we have a family cookout for all the dads in the family. See, my husband grew up with a single mom so he traditionally celebrates his mom on both Mother’s and Father’s days because she did the job of both parents. So, when we do our Father’s Day breakfast and/or Father’s Day cookout, mom is always in attendance.

There are a ton of ways to celebrate the dad in your life and what is so great about it is you can make your own Father’s Day traditions.

From my family to yours, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!