Favorite Kennywood Rides

Favorite Kennywood Rides
Favorite Kennywood Rides

Growing up, I loved going to amusement parks. As a thrill-seeker, I always found myself waiting in line for the biggest, fastest rides. Since I grew up in the Pittsburgh area, one of my favorite parks to go to has always been Kennywood. If you’re located near Pittsburgh, then you’ve probably heard of Kennywood. It is a great amusement park with loads of fun rides for the whole family. If you get the chance to go this summer, be sure to try out my top 5 favorite rides.

5. Grand Prix

Nothing beats good old-fashioned bumper cars. As a kid, I always loved the opportunity to drive around, smashing into everything. As I got older, nothing really changed. Usually, when the cars stop moving I find myself looking to get back in line to do it again.

4. Sky Rocket

One of the newer rides at the park, the Sky Rocket, is a fun and fast experience from start to finish. The ride launches you off from zero to 50 mph in 3 seconds. The rest of the ride features fun twists and turns like corkscrews and banked curves. Although a fast experience, it’s certainly a thrilling ride.

3. Raging Rapids

On a hot summer day, nothing beats getting absolutely drenched. The Raging Rapids at Kennywood feels like a whitewater rafting experience the park claims is “guaranteed to get you wet.” Part of the fun is the giant wheel in the center which you can use to try to steer an unlucky passenger into the next waterfall. Don’t worry though; you can dry off quickly on your next ride.

2. Racer

The Racer is a Kennywood classic that is a definite must ride whenever visiting the park. It features two trains that travel side-by-side in a “race” back to the finish. Not only is the rollercoaster an exciting wooden coaster, but also an American Coaster Enthusiasts landmark. The Racer is also the only Moebius loop track in the United States. That means that although there are two trains, the track is one continuous track, making for a unique experience that is hard to beat.

1. Phantom’s Revenge

My number one favorite ride at Kennywood is the Phantom’s Revenge. Although the line is often longer than most at the park, it is worth it. I especially enjoy getting in the front seat in order to experience the most thrill. The ride starts by cranking you up a large hill, allowing you to see the whole park from high above. Then, out of nowhere, the train is sent into a steep downhill turn, zipping past other park attendees. However, it is the second drop on Phantom’s Revenge that is the biggest in the park—a 230-foot drop reaching speeds up to 85 mph. Overall, this has always been my favorite ride at Kennywood.

Kennywood is a Pittsburgh staple and should be on everyone’s summer bucket list. I hope these recommendations help you and your family have some fun this summer!