July 19th, 2017
Dreams Equal Success
Are you a dreamer? Do you strive to reach your dreams? Many people have dreams, but they never pursue them. Do they just give up? I have always been a dreamer, I admit it. I dream of wonderful things for me and my family, but I would never just give up on a dream.
One of the best quotes I have ever heard is from author Napoleon Hill - “Success requires no apologies and failure permits no alibis.” The basic rationale of the quote is that in the pursuit of a dream, we are often met with many forms of resistance and some come through others encouraging our own self-doubt. There are some reasons that seem to make it easy to just abandon your dreams. A true failure isn't making a mistake or not getting results you wanted, it’s not even trying – it’s giving up, just quitting.
What if you plowed forward despite the self-doubt and lack of encouragement of others? What if you pushed beyond the limits of what you closest circle of family and friends believed? What if…just what if you succeeded and realized your dreams? No matter your background or social circle, everyone can fulfill their dreams and make their own choices. Dreams may come easier to some rather than others. Some dreams may change. Some dreams may end up not being what you thought in the first place, but how do you know unless you try?
I particularly think of these inspirational quotes because summer soon will end and our children go back to school. It is up to us as the adults, the mentors, the examples to all children whether it be to our own, our neighbors, relatives or complete strangers, to encourage those children to dream and dream big and to find an alternate path if the road they are walking is closed, to never quit and certainly never give up. Demonstrate encouragement to those around you. And find the silver lining when the odds may not be in your favor. Dream it, strive for it and then live it.
After all, if we all just give up on dreams, successes would never be met. We would just numbly walk through life day after day without anything to look forward to. A dream can be a trip. A dream can be an invention. A dream can be anything you want and as Mr. Hill says, “DREAMS ARE THE SEEDLINGS OF REALITY.”