Days of Celebration in September

Days of Celebration in September
Days of Celebration in September

After celebrating Labor Day last week, I caught myself wondering what other special/iconic events are celebrated this month. Well, I decided to turn to my trustee friend Google to seek the answers and this is what I found for the rest of September:

            9/16- Mayflower Day

            9/17 – Constitution Day

            9/19 – Talk Like a Pirate Day

            9/21- World Gratitude Day (tell somebody “thank you” for their help today)

            9/22 – Elephant Appreciation Day & American Business Women’s Day

            9/24 – National Punctuation Day

            9/25 – National One-Hit Wonder Day

            9/26 – Johnny Appleseed Day

            9/28 – Drink Beer Day

            9/29 – International Coffee Day (I celebrate this daily)

I’m sure there are many more events to celebrate during the month of September that are not on this particular list, but I found this list to be interesting a fun!

I hope you’ll find one or more days from the list above that you find are worth celebrating. Happy September!