Be the Friend. Be the Difference.

Be the Friend. Be the Difference.
Be the Friend. Be the Difference.

It is hard to believe that it is almost the middle of August! With August comes the start of another school year. It is a bittersweet moment for a number of families. Some may be walking their youngster into the first day of kindergarten, while others are watching their high school senior leave home for their "last first day" of school.

The beginning of the school year is a fresh start. The year brings new teachers, new school supplies, new lessons, new experiences and memories to be made. There may also be new faces in classrooms that can lead to new friendships. There is a great post on social media sites reminding students to go the extra mile to be kind to those who may be new to the school, may be struggling to make friends, may be shy, may be eating lunch alone, may be being bullied, etc. The post goes on to encourage students to be leaders and make a new friend by simply being kind and saying hello, joining them for lunch, inviting them to play the game of kickball during lunch, and more. One act of kindness can make a big difference—be the difference this year!

Best of luck to all students on a fun and successful 2019-2020 school year!