Auto Collisions

Auto Collisions
Auto Collisions

An auto collision can be a frightening and overwhelming experience.  A crash with a commercial motor vehicle however is horrifying and can be life-altering because of the sheer size and force of these massive machines.

It amazes me each time I investigate a crash that is so violent when those involved appear to walk away seemingly unharmed. However, most times, these individuals have suffered significant, if not catastrophic injuries, which are masked by shock and adrenaline. As I tell most people I speak with, injuries may take days, weeks or even months to manifest to the full range of symptoms, limitations and disabling effects.

Based upon my years of experiences in helping those involved in commercial motor vehicle crashes, the following are injuries that might not be immediately apparent to a crash victim. If you begin experiencing any of these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention and contact the skilled and experienced truck crash attorneys at Bordas & Bordas.

1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Traumatic brain injuries can lead to severe cognitive and emotional problems. Please be mindful if you are experiencing any of these symptoms following a truck crash:

·         Headaches

·         Dizziness

·         Blurry vision

·         Nausea

·         Confusion

·         Memory issues

·         Insomnia

·         Fatigue

·         Irritability 

These symptoms could also be related to a blood clot, or other potentially fatal injuries, so you should immediately be treated by a medical provider. 

2. Herniated Discs

Cervical, thoracic and lumbar injuries are commonly found in individuals involved in a truck crash. Emergency rooms only take X-rays, which only detect fractures. Many times herniations go undiagnosed until an MRI is prescribed. As indicated above, symptoms do not always present immediately. If you begin experiencing pain, numbness or tingling in your arms, legs or feet you could have a herniated disc in your cervical, thoracic and/or lumbar spine. If you are also feeling weakness in your muscles, you might be experiencing atrophy because of a herniated disc. Immediately meet with your primary care physician to discuss a referral to an orthopedic specialist or neurosurgeon to treat the herniated disc. 

3. Depression and Anxiety

Not all injuries associated with a commercial motor vehicle crash are physical. Injuries can also be associated with mental health, like depression and anxiety, which can have severe and even life-threatening consequences. If you begin struggling at work, if you are having a hard time relating to your family and friends or if you are simply not enjoying life the way you did prior to your crash, immediately seek mental health treatment from a trained professional. 

4. Whiplash

Whiplash is a neck muscle injury that victims often suffer after a severe impact. Symptoms often include:

·         Neck, shoulder, back and arm pain and stiffness

·         Limited range of movement in the neck

·         Headaches at the base of the skull

·         Fatigue and irritability

·         Difficulty concentrating and sleeping 

Crash victims often downplay whiplash, but this injury can have lasting effects, and could become chronic and permanent. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please seek treatment as soon as possible after a crash.

5. Internal Bleeding

While most of the injuries on this list will not prove directly fatal, internal bleeding is a different matter. Internal bleeding may produce relatively minor symptoms until it suddenly becomes life-threatening. 

Abdominal pain or swelling could be symptomatic of internal bleeding. So, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, you should visit the emergency room immediately. Other internal bleeding symptoms include bruising, dizziness and fainting. If you are experiencing abdominal discomfort or any of the other post-crash symptoms, seek medical attention right away. 

6. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A crash with a semi-truck is one of the most traumatic events most of us could ever experience. Many victims of these violent collisions suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, flashbacks, anger, an inability to cope with daily life and an increased fear of driving.

PTSD is nothing to be ashamed of — confronting it takes bravery. So, if you feel you might be dealing with PTSD (or any mental or emotional difficulties) after a wreck, please contact a trusted psychiatrist or other mental health professional. A qualified expert can diagnose the problem and create a treatment plan to help manage the issues you’re experiencing.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a crash involving a large truck or bus, please contact the trusted truck crash litigators at Bordas & Bordas.  I would love to listen to your story and offer advice about your legal options during a free consultation. When you choose us to represent you following a crash involving a commercial motor vehicle, we will investigate all the causes of the crash and pursue every available option to get you the compensation you deserve.