Inspired by Life

Inspired by Life

Inspired by Life

I was driving to the office the other morning listening to the local radio station and the hosts were having a very inspirational discussion about life and how we all have experienced difficulties at one time or another, whether that be death of loved ones, losing a job, illnesses etc. Although those difficult times are hard on us and we probably all wish we could rid ourselves of those life experiences, without those difficulties would we really know how to appreciate the good in life?  As I look back on the years past in my life and think about all of the difficulties I have personally experienced, it really inspired me to stop and appreciate what I do have.

We might not have what we would like to have in life, and while we should never stop striving to always do better in our lives, I also think it is important to stop and appreciate what we do have.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day struggles of life and to get down about all the struggles that you may be experiencing, but when you have a moment to reflect on those struggles consider that you almost always gain something from them, learn something new, perhaps start a new chapter in your life or just build your only personal strength.  It is so easy to get down about what we don’t have because it is part of human nature to always want more than what we do have, but there are far less fortunate people in this world and someone out there is having a harder time with life’s struggles. The radio show message really opened my eyes to think in a new way, instead of dwelling on what could be, be excited about what is.  Live your life to the fullest and enjoy yourself.  Be happy in all that you do and when you hit a bump in the road, give yourself time to morn or reflect on that situation, take away from it what you can and keep striving on.

I think we should all take a moment today and stop and think about what we are so fortunate to have in our individual lives and be thankful for those difficulties in life we have experienced because without them perhaps we would not be who we are today.