Do You Measure Up

Do You Measure Up

Do You Measure Up

Maybe you are sitting in traffic or on your front porch and there he or she is right in front of you…that person who does everything right or maybe he or she has a real smooth way of pulling things off. And then you start to question yourself. That’s probably not going to help boost your self-esteem.

Whatever the situation may be, whether you are starting a new career, moving to a different neighborhood or beginning a new daily workout routine, building your own success is key and doing it in a way that you can excel is the right way and not by anyone else’s standards.

Every day is a new day with new ambitions and what steps are you taking to get there?  Finding an esteemed mentor is certainly not going to hurt, or is it? It’s been my observation that far too often, people tend to try and mimic others that they believe are looked upon as successful in so many situations (probably in almost all aspects more often than not ). They’re trying to be the one who is always one step ahead and prepared, but then they come to realize they have set themselves up for failure.

Why?  It’s great if you can imitate what you perceive to be beneficial traits, but if it’s not your forte, that will only go so far.  Ascribe to what you can bring to the table to enhance what’s already in place. Although learning from others is essential, living and working by comparison isn’t the answer long-term.  Some people are really good at some things and others are not because it just wasn’t meant for them.  However, you can find your own gift.

Unfortunately, in today’s society, everyone has experienced doubt in their personal capabilities and the reason is because we live in a world where everything we do, say, eat and breathe is done by comparison in hopes of someone’s acceptance. If we don’t get that stamp of approval, we begin to fail because at that moment we have allowed the seed of doubt and insecurity to be planted and fed.  If we haven’t done that to ourselves, there is always that person who must be critical (Because remember it’s their way or the highway).  Ultimately, who can be successful when they have these feelings?

Everyone has imperfections.  We know our own too well, but everyone has offerings that can lead to success for themselves and for others.

You’ve heard that no two people are the same.  So, embrace it and tap into your very own specialties, the ones unique to you.

Do the best you can do to explore your abilities, find that exceptional trait, stop living a life of comparison and accepting of outside criticisms and simply create your own success.