What Is My Case Worth?
What is my case worth? That is a natural question when considering hiring an attorney. The short answer is it depends. Case values are dependent on a variety of different factors. This blog is designed to key you in on a couple of the many factors that potentially drive case values. With that said, it is crucial to keep in mind that no two cases are the same; therefore, two generally similar cases could ultimately have starkly different values.
As mentioned, there are many different factors that go into the eventual value of a case. One of the major aspects in a case valuation are the facts. All facts related to the case have an impact on the case’s value, no matter how big or small. Each fact is important and has an influence on the case. For instance, two car crashes from a 10,000-foot view could look extremely similar, but as each cases’ individual facts come to light could make seemingly two similar cases having largely different values.
Closely related to the facts of the case is liability. Put simply, liability is how responsible each person is for an incident. Taking the car collision example, in one car collision it can be clear that one party holds 100% liability for the incident, while the other collision can have a 75%/25% liability split, which impacts a case’s value. Liability is an aspect that an attorney will assess throughout the duration of your case.
Next, damages play a large part in what your case is worth. Damages are “a remedy in the form of monetary compensation to the harmed party.” There are two broad categories of damages: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are damages that are quantifiable, while non-economic damages are not as easily quantifiable, such as pain and suffering. Thus, damages play a large part in the value of your case. For example, if you are involved in a collision and undergo extensive medical treatment the value of your case is likely going to be higher than in the scenario in which you receive minimal treatment, all other factors being equal. Additionally, if your case exposes the potential defendant to punitive damages that can also have an impact on the value of your case. For more on damages, check out “What Are Damages?”
Another factor considered in the potential value of a case is jurisdiction. The location of where your incident occurred could have an influence on the case. Different states have different laws. The differences in laws and the standards needed to be met to establish your case can dictate how much your case can potentially be worth.
In sum, there are many factors that influence the ultimate value of a case. This blog only addresses a few of numerous factors that play into a case’s value. It cannot be stressed enough that case value is case specific and no two cases are the same. Lastly, it is important to understand that case values are fluid and can change throughout the duration of your case. An attorney will monitor the case value throughout the matter and be cognizant of the factors that impact case value.