Prepping Your Home for Cold Winter Weather

Prepping Your Home for Cold Winter Weather

Prepping Your Home for Cold Winter Weather

The winter season is finally here—which means colder temperatures are here, and snowstorms are coming. Most people will prepare for the season’s change by switching out summer clothes for warmer winter ones and maybe even preparing their vehicles for snow and ice. But have you ever thought about the importance of preparing your home for the changing conditions?

The following are a few tips to help make sure your home is ready for winter:

  • Protect indoor pipes.
  • Insulate your attic or crawl space.
  • Service your furnace and chimney.
  • Remove and store all window screens.
  • Clean and inspect gutters.
  • Remove any dead or ailing tree limbs near your home.
  • Secure outdoor water sources.

Taking the time to prepare your home for the cold winter weather ahead will save you in the long run.

Stay warm!