Is your Christmas Tree Up?

Is your Christmas Tree Up?
Is your Christmas Tree Up?

Each fall it seems Christmas decorations are placed on the store shelves earlier and earlier. By September, Christmas trees deck the aisles of Walmart and Lowe's.

How early is too early to put up the Christmas tree in your house? That recent argument has developed in the McGraw household as I am sure it has in others. I have seen the posts spreading on social media asking that same question.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas and the decorations are wonderful. I, for one, enjoy putting up the outside Christmas lights. My wife, however, wants to put up the Christmas tree earlier and earlier each year. To add to that, my youngest daughter asked me if we could start playing Christmas music now that it is November!

My vote is normally that Christmas does not start until after Thanksgiving. No trees or music until December! This year, however, might be the exception. As I type this, I am learning that trick or treating has been canceled and everyone is trying to decide what Thanksgiving dinner might look like.

Now that I think about it, everyone has been so fed up with 2020 I totally understand looking forward to the good stuff and the end of the year.

On that note, maybe we should just go straight to New Year’s Day. Given all we have been through this year I do hope that everyone can find fun and fellowship this holiday season.

This year has taught us not to take anything for granted as you never know what could happen next. So, go ahead and put up that tree, hang the stockings with care and hunker down for a joyful holiday season.