World Smile Day

World Smile Day
World Smile Day

With everything going on in our world, many of us are stressed, worried and feeling a little down these days.

A smile or a random act of kindness, though, can make all the difference in the world.

We should strive to smile and make others smile each and every day. However, as a reminder of the importance of smiling and spreading kindness, we celebrate World Smile Day on Oct. 2.

Smiling is actually good for us both physically and mentally. It can improve our mood, boost our immune system, lower our blood pressure, relieve stress and even increase life expectancy.

In 1963, a commercial artist named Harvey Ball from Massachusetts created the smiley face design. However, it became so popular and overused Ball was afraid it was moving away from its intent of goodwill and good cheer. So, in 1999, he declared the first World Smile Day. World Smile Day is celebrated every year on the first Friday in October. His hope was people would use this day to smile and make others smile. 

There are many ways we can make someone smile. Here are just a few:

  1. SMILE at someone;
  2. Tell someone a silly joke;
  3. Give someone a genuine compliment;
  4. Send a text or leave a note with a positive thought (and a smiley face of course);
  5. Pay for someone’s coffee, food, etc.;
  6. Leave a generous tip;
  7. Perform a random act of kindness for a stranger;
  8. Send a card;
  9. Let someone know you miss them;
  10. Donate to charity.

Remember, it takes less muscles to smile than to frown. So, let’s all remember to smile and help others smile -- because spreading kindness is exactly what we need!