Working Out for Working People

Working Out for Working People
Working Out for Working People

For the majority of people, working out during the work week is simply impossible. And on the weekends, all you want to do is nothing. During this past year, a lot of people, myself included, struggled to find the motivation to work out. I’m not sure if it was my New Year’s resolution or what, but I started working out again in January. Here are a few tips that have helped me start my healthy habits:  

-Don’t be too hard on yourself. Biting off more than you can chew results in frustration and eventually giving up entirely. Start small. Take a walk during your lunch break or meet up with a friend at the park instead of a restaurant. 

-You don’t have to work out for an hour. Try to get a 30-minute workout in with doing combined movements and supersets. Taking little breaks in between sets will give your short workout the same benefits as an hour-long one. 

-Be consistent. Once you start getting into a routine, you’ll find “working out” less of a chore and more of a habit. It only takes 30 days to form a habit.

-Relaxation. It is also important to take care of your mental health. Staring at a computer or handling phones all day can put stressors on your brain and thus make us mentally exhausted. Mental exhaustion plays a huge role as well as physical. At the end of the workday or during lunch, try to take five minutes of your day to just breathe. Literally inhale and exhale. It’s simple and doesn’t take much effort, but you’ll reap the reward of relaxation shortly after.