Who works on my case?

Who works on my case?
Who works on my case?

Once you have retained an attorney to represent you in a legal matter, you know that your attorney is going to be working on your case. They will make phone calls to insurance adjusters, defense counsel, and others on your behalf, and will appear in court to present various aspects of your case before the judge. You will probably call them, and they will call you, with any developments in the case, especially settlement or preparation for depositions, mediation, and trial. However, your attorney does not work on your case alone and there are others who will play an important role in moving your case forward. You may get to know some of these people and become familiar with your roles, but there are others who may work behind the scenes in many ways as well.

There may be more than one attorney representing you in your case. Many law firms, including Bordas & Bordas, have both an associate attorney and a partner assigned to represent you. One attorney may handle more of the day to day work, such as letters, phone calls, filings with the court, and taking depositions, while another may be more involved in mediation and settlement negotiations or trial.

In addition to the attorneys who work on your case, there will be paralegals and legal assistants or secretaries who help as well. These individuals help to draft and answer discovery, proofread and prepare correspondence and other documents, take phone calls, schedule meetings and depositions, maintain files, collect and organize medical records, and complete many other administrative tasks that keep cases organized and up to date. You may work with a paralegal or legal secretary when you are signing medical records authorizations or answering discovery, and they are often a good contact for conversations about timelines, deadlines, or other status updates on your case.

Other roles at a law firm that help to advance your case include file clerks and other office administrators. File clerks will make sure that documents are delivered on time to the court and the appropriate copies from the court are brought back to the office to be included in your case file. They will also help with many tasks that come up, both expected and unexpected, such as giving witnesses or experts rides to depositions, transporting files or documents between offices, making deliveries, copies, and making sure the mail is sent out and received efficiently.

The receptionist may be another person at the law firm that you have had a lot of contact with, other than your lawyer. The receptionist fields telephone calls, helps direct office visitors to the appropriate person, assists with scheduling, mail, and often fills in to help with any task that may need to be completed.

Many people contribute to your legal case, even if you don’t know it. Every role at a law firm is important, and attorneys certainly don’t do it alone. If you are ever curious about who has worked on your case, or the various roles that different people at the law firm have, just ask! It can help ease your mind and make the process of litigation easier on you as a client to know that there are a team of people on your side and ready to help you at every stage of your case.