When You are Quietly Multi-Talented

When You are Quietly Multi-Talented
When You are Quietly Multi-Talented

Here’s something you don’t know about me. Growing up, I lived in an area that was somewhat rural. It has since been built up but, at the time, I was the only girl on a boys baseball team. There were only boys in my neighborhood, so I had to run with my older brother and his friends if I wanted to play outside — whiffle ball, kickball, climbing trees, you name it.

Although I was never great at any sport, I knew how it was supposed to be done and could hold my own. Well, we recently moved back to the place I grew up to be neighbors with my parents and many relatives and it’s been a joy revisiting my days of long ago. I babysat in many of the homes — including the one in which I now live.

This past weekend, my husband and father-in-law went fishing in our neighborhood lake. They were there for a couple hours, so I walked over to see if they needed water. I found they were having little success (one caught a turtle and the other a modest carp), so I asked if I could have a pole. My husband offered me an array of bait. But I told him to just give me good ole, bread. After all, that’s all I ever used as a kid.

Hubby was looking out for me as he offered to cast my pole. In a somewhat offended response, I let him know I could handle it. I cast and about eight minutes in, I told my husband I was getting bored and wouldn’t stay much longer. Just then, it happened. I got a bite and yanked that baby in. I landed the biggest fish of the day. See, this gal has some hidden talents, and, in that instant, I felt it was my mic drop moment because both my husband and father-in-law are beyond competitive.

For me, it was a one-and-done morning. I was just tickled to see that I can still do anything I put my mind to. Just another sign, you got this.