What is Underinsurance

What is Underinsurance
What is Underinsurance

Suppose you’re driving in town and a car runs through the red light, smashing into your driver’s side door.  You suffer significant injuries:  a broken wrist, a sprained ankle, and a concussion, all of the injuries are going to require future medical treatment.  What happens if the other driver doesn’t have enough liability insurance coverage to pay your bills and compensate you for your pain and suffering?

That’s the point of underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage.  It’s coverage that you buy to protect yourself against a negligent driver who isn’t adequately insured.

Every driver is required to carry liability insurance.  But most states set these requirements very low.  For example, in West Virginia and Ohio the minimum required coverage is $25,000.  In Ohio, it’s only $15,000.  If you’re in a crash, there is strong likelihood the other driver will only be carrying these minimum limits.  That might not even be enough to cover your medical bills!

So, what’s the answer?  The best thing is to be proactive.  You should purchase UIM coverage and make it a part of your own insurance policy.  If you’re hit by a negligent driver and his insurance isn’t enough to provide full compensation for your losses, the UIM coverage you bought will step up.

I know that many people today are living on fixed incomes and tight budgets.  But UIM coverage is important and its not overly expensive.  I strongly urge you to look into purchasing UIM coverage.  Take the initiative.  It’s an easy and affordable way to protect yourself and your loved ones.