What is a Personal Injury Attorney?

What is a Personal Injury Attorney?
What is a Personal Injury Attorney?

There are many types of attorneys out there. Some attorneys restrict their practice to a specialty, while others practice various types of law. At the end of the day, when looking for an attorney you want to make sure that the attorney has experience in the area of the law that you are having an issue with. So, that leads to the question, what is a personal injury attorney? What type of law does a personal injury attorney practice? All of these are valid questions.

In a broad sense, a personal injury attorney is an attorney that provides legal services to an individual that has been wronged and/or harmed. More specifically, a personal injury attorney is one who helps an individual who has been injured physically, emotionally, and/or psychologically. The ways an individual can been injured and suffer a loss can be abundant. For instance, one can be in a car collision, a trucking incident, sustain a dog bite, slip and fall or be a victim to medical malpractice. The list goes on and on. A personal injury attorney can potentially help you when you sustain an injury from the aforementioned incidents as well as other types of events not expressly mentioned above.

Personal injury attorneys aim to provide you with the legal services you need in order to collect fair compensation for the injuries you sustain. Often times, there is an insurance carrier involved that provides insurance coverage on behalf of the wrongdoer. A personal injury attorney will work with the insurance company in order to help you receive what you rightfully deserve. Also, if the negligent party is represented by an attorney, a personal injury attorney will work with the tortfeasor’s attorney in hopes of coming to an amicable resolution.

In short, a personal injury attorney is the one to consider when you sustain physical, emotional and/or psychological injuries as a result of an incident. Indeed, consulting with a personal injury attorney may be beneficial to you. In sum, a personal injury attorney may be able to assist you with your incident and provide the help you need.