Want to Win People Over? Call Them by Their Name

Want to Win People Over? Call Them by Their Name
Want to Win People Over? Call Them by Their Name

Webster defines the word “name” as “a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is known.” Before we are even born, our parents more than likely pondered over names with family members, baby name books and other resources in order to choose our perfect title.

People put a lot of value in their name as it is their identity – how they are recognized. Calling a person by his/her name shows respect and recognition. It makes a person feel a sense of connection which generally leads to a friendlier conversation. People tend to listen more closely to your thoughts and ideas simply because you care enough to bring the conversation to a more personal level.

We live in such a busy and technical world. It becomes very easy to get lost and feel insignificant because of hurried schedules each and every day. However, we need to practice slowing down and keep in mind the importance of “name calling”. It builds better relationships and may even prompt others to return the favor.