Vacationing with the Bordas & Bordas Cup

Vacationing with the Bordas & Bordas Cup
Vacationing with the Bordas & Bordas Cup

Like most of us, I enjoy traveling. I normally go on at least two trips with friends a year and I also go with my family on vacation. This year I went with a group of friends to Punta Cana for a week of fun and long days at the beach, good conversation, good food, just an awesome time for all. What an amazing vacation. Thank you, friends!

The Bordas & Bordas Cup gets to go on all my trips to remind me why I can go on trips. If I didn’t have such a wonderful family, working family, and friends to travel with or a wonderful job I couldn’t travel.

I’m not a good photographer and anyone who knows me will tell you the very same thing. I took a picture of the Bordas & Bordas Cup sitting out on our deck looking into the morning sunrise and posted it on my Facebook page. I had the most talented man I know who just happens to work for Wheelhouse Creative. He took the time to write a post and took the time to look at the picture. It was the biggest compliment I’ve ever received from someone who is so talented and way ahead of his years on being so creative. (If you’re looking to do anything for your business give Wheelhouse Creative a call. No job is too big or too small. Wheelhouse Creative can handle them all.) I want to thank him for making me feel awesome about my picture enough to share it with all of you. Anyone who knows me will tell you most of my pictures are not share-worthy and that my pups could do a better job taking pictures than I can.

Here’s to traveling with the Bordas & Bordas cup! Keep a look out for the B&B cup. You never know where it will turn up next! Enjoy the picture.