Uber/Lyft Accidents Happen as Passengers – What Should You Do?

Uber/Lyft Accidents Happen as Passengers – What Should You Do?
Uber/Lyft Accidents Happen as Passengers – What Should You Do?

As most of us know, we live in a world where people have become dependent on Uber or Lyft to get us from one place to another. However, the question then arises – what happens if I am in an accident while riding in an uber or lyft. Many people are unsure what to do if they are in an accident while placed in this type of situation. However, the preliminary steps as to what to do after an accident of this type are generally the same as if you were in an accident while in your own vehicle. The below is an overview of the various steps you may want to take if involved in an accident while a passenger in an uber or lyft:

  1. Make sure you and everyone else involved in the accident are ok;
  2. Call 911 so that an accident report may be completed and further, if there are serious injuries, so that emergency responders can quickly get to the scene of the accident;
  3. Take pictures of the accident and the vehicles involved, even if the vehicle does not belong to you;
  4. Obtain all of the relevant information of the individuals involved. Although the app you are using will likely give you general information about your driver – it is important to get their contact information and personal auto insurance information as well;
  5. Contact your insurance company to inform them of the accident if you are injured and to make a claim to determine what benefits, if any, are available to you. Most importantly, you want to determine whether you have medical payment coverages under your own policy. Medical payment coverage generally will pay for medical costs up to a certain amount after you are injured in a car accident regardless of who is found at fault for the accident;
  6. File a claim with the other driver’s insurance company if that party is at fault for the accident;
  7. File a claim with your Uber or Lyft driver’s personal auto insurance company to determine if any insurance coverage is available to you under this policy;
  8. File a claim with Uber or Lyft as your driver’s personal automobile insurance policy may not provide coverage for the accident. According to recent news articles, both Uber and Lyft carry $1,000,000.00 in both liability insurance coverage and in underinsured/uninsured coverage.

In sum, the general steps you want to take if you are involved in an accident while a passenger in an uber or lyft are not terribly drastic from the steps you would take if you were involved in an accident while driving your own personal vehicle. Make sure to remain calm and to seek out an attorney if you have any questions or need help with representation when dealing with the various insurance companies involved.