

Is your township/school district having trick or treat this year?

Some neighborhoods will not be carrying on the Halloween tradition because of COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. However, you might want to check your local newspaper or, possibly, your township’s website or Facebook page for updates.

Children are always the reason for the season, so be sure to still carry out the usual safety precautions if you plan on taking your little ones out. 

For example:

  • Inspecting your child’s candy for any opened or torn wrappers;
  • Being aware of any possible choking hazards in their goodie bags;
  • Making sure your little one has some sort of reflector on if trick or treating near or on a busy street; 
  • Always have one or more chaperones; 
  • And last (a rule that should apply regardless of the virus), ensure your child does not enter anyone’s home.

So, check out if your township/school district is allowing Halloween festivities and, if so, enjoy the night with your little ones safely.

Happy Halloween!