There Is No Place Like Home

There Is No Place Like Home
There Is No Place Like Home

Whether you are moving to a new place temporarily or you are moving for a fresh start or new job, the first few weeks can be daunting. You may find yourself thinking repeatedly that you just want to go home.  I’ll admit it happens to the best of us and I have come to believe that we all go through a series of stages after moving somewhere new.

Stage 1: Excitement.  At first, you are so excited for this new experience that nothing can bring you down and each novel thing you encounter you meet with awe because it is new and exciting.

Stage 2: Distress.  Suddenly, you think of all the things you have to handle and locate in this new place.  You must find a new grocery store and pharmacy, you have to figure out how to get to and from work and you may have to become accustomed to public transportation.  Lastly, you may not know many people here and so you will need to make new friends and find a support system.  You may want to click your heels together and return to the comfort of home.

Stage 3: Determination.  Once you pass this early stress and you begin to get into your groove as you become comfortable with your new routine, you find yourself thinking that you can make this work.  You realize that things are not as bad as they seemed a couple days ago and they are miles better than they were last week.  Slowly, you begin to have a little bit of that excitement returning and you are finally at peace with your new surroundings.

Stage 4: Contentment.  Lastly, you reach contentment.  You are happy in this new place.  You have found good restaurants and your favorite shops.  You have made new friends and while at the end of a long day at work you may still feel yourself yearning for home, you begin to realize that home is here.