Steps to Become a Lawyer

You have decided that you want to become a lawyer, and now you are thinking about what is to follow. As in any destination in life, there is no set, definite path to follow when pursuing a license to practice law. Some people decide they would like to become lawyers early on in life, while others decide later that the law is the track for them. Either way, both sets of people want to end at the same place.
Although routes may differ and hurdles may vary, there are common necessary steps that must be accomplished along the way. Often a decision to pursue the law happens while the person is in college. After deciding you want to attend law school, most students sit to take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). The LSAT is a standardized test that is designed to test one’s ability to critically think and analyze certain types of problems.
After taking the LSAT and receiving a score, the next step is to determine what law school you would like to attend. While admission into a particular law school is predicated on your grades and LSAT score, along with a variety of other factors, it is your job to research potential law institutions and decide which law school is best suited for you. Choosing a law school is an exciting time and presents numerous possibilities. Attending law school is a life changing experience and develops your ability to think through issues and, by the end, has you thinking about things you took for granted in an entirely different manner.
Once you have chosen and are admitted to a law school, law school is normally a three-year (or sometimes four-year) process. During law school, a student will take a plethora of different classes including civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, evidence, property as well as many others. Preparation for class or exams includes reading pages upon pages of case law and reviewing your notes from those readings. As long as you remain discipline and keep yourself accountable, preparing for class becomes routine over time and a worthwhile experience.
Following law school and obtaining your law degree, the next step is to take the bar exam in the state that you would like to practice. The bar exam is usually administered two times a year for each state. The bar exam is a daunting task, but with confidence and preparation it can be looked at as an opportunity by a potential lawyer.
Every day there are lawyers making positive impacts on lives across the country. Although the journey to obtain a law license seems difficult, it can be an opportunity for growth and learning, and can be a fulfilling career path for you.