January 1st, 2016
Sometimes a Fortune Cookie Gives you a Real Fortune
I am in no way a superstitious person, but every once in awhile, I find myself looking for some kind of “sign.” It might be reading a horoscope, or a daily devotional or opening to a random page in an old book I haven’t read in years to see what words my eyes first fall upon. I never really know what prompts me to do it, and I don’t know what exactly I am looking for when I do. Sometimes I guess it’s to feel I’m headed in the right direction. Sometimes it’s for some sort of universally granted forgiveness for something still weighing on my conscience. Sometimes it is in the hope of being assured of something new and exciting yet to come. Sometimes it is purely just for fun.
The other day, I was cleaning up my house in preparation to head home for the holidays. In one of these once-in-a-blue-moon urges to catch a glimpse into my future or gain some sort of last “cheer to the finish line” of this year, I decided I would crack open just one of the many Chinese fortune cookies I have collected, and whatever that fortune cookie told me would set the tone for the year to come.
“Walk with a good heart and you will run with success.”
Sometimes a fortune cookie really delivers a fortune. There is no phrase better that I could imagine to remind me that I have everything I could want from my life, and that anything else I could hope to gain is within my power. The work I get to do everyday, the job I have, the wonderful people in my life, the opportunities I have been given to travel and learn and experience new things, the attitude I have aimed for and worked to achieve, and the goals I still have for myself, all of them are captured by this fortune. And there is nothing more I would hope than to continue such a fortune into the next year and beyond.
To a happy and healthy 2016!