Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye
Saying Goodbye

After living in Pittsburgh for most of my life, I am now moving to North Carolina to begin my law school education at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Soon I will be surrounded by new people. New places. New buildings. Well, pretty much new everything. While that is exciting in its own right, it is also quite daunting. I’ve been looking forward to this move for months, but it always seemed so far away. Now the time is quickly approaching when I’ll have to say goodbye to all I call familiar. Friends. Family. Coworkers. My favorite places to go. My home.

Even though this move is something I have known about and anticipated, I’ve found it difficult to deal with as I grow closer to my move. However, I’ve realized that goodbyes and moving on are just parts of life. Plus, in the modern age, it can be so easy to stay connected with people that you care about, even with distance between you. At the end of the day, my family and friends are just a text or phone call away.

That got me thinking. Most of these “goodbyes” aren’t going to be forever. What I am really saying goodbye to is a state of comfortability that I’ve been preparing to move on from. Moving to a new state is uncomfortable. But I am ready. I’m ready not because of my own doing, but because of all the people that helped me through each moment in life. All those people I know I will miss are the people who have been preparing me for this exact moment. Without each of them, I would not be who I am today. So instead of simply saying goodbye, I plan to let each of those people know how important they are to me and how much I’ve appreciated them through the years. Every person close to me is unique in their own way and has had an impact on my life, no matter how big or small.

If you’re in a time in your life in which you are saying goodbyes, make sure to take a moment to really let that person know how much you appreciate them. None of us could make it through life on our own, and it is important to acknowledge that and let others know how important they are to you.

So, I will take this moment to say thank you to everyone here at Bordas & Bordas for a wonderful two years of learning and growing as an intern. I have had the best mentors I could have asked for and, thanks to them, I feel more than ready to continue my own journey to be not only the best lawyer I can be, but also the best person I can be. I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you.