Saying Goodbye to Robin Williams

Saying Goodbye to Robin Williams
Saying Goodbye to Robin Williams

Hearing the news yesterday about Robin Williams (who, to me, will always be Mork) hit me right square in the face hard. Some of you may never understand what it is like to fight addictions or depression, and thank your lucky stars for that, but if you have ever watched someone go through these events you can understand how lonely one can be, even when they are not alone.

Robin fought hard to stay on the right path, getting cleaned up, staying in programs throughout his life. With mental illness, it's one day at a time and you take each and every day minute by minute. I'm not going to go into all of Robin's accomplishments, because the news has done this and, by God, the list is way too long for a very short blog.

I'm just going to say to anyone who struggles with addictions or depression, you are not alone. You can find help for these feelings and there are people willing to help you.

Judging others who deal daily with mental illness is very hard to watch, and shockingly, it is one of the least diagnosed illnesses that we know about. You do not have to have two personalities or be banging your head against a wall to be struggling. You can be a happy person on the outside and look fine to others, but on the inside you fight everyday just to keep it together. Please, please find help. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Go and talk to someone or try to get yourself cleaned up. Yes, there will be times when you feel like you are going to "fall off the wagon," but just know you can call someone or go to a rehab center to help you stay focused and help you through these feelings.

Suicide is not the coward's way out as many say- most of the time it's a last ditch effort to get help- because a lot of times people really don't know how bad you are feeling inside. For those who die from the attempt, God will take care of them with no more pain and suffering in silence. Please keep in mind we are not put here to judge others. We are here to help others get through the darkest hours of their lives. Remember, you never know what someone else is going through.

Robin, all I can say to you is "NaNu, NaNu" and thank you for the outstanding acting over the years. Rest in Peace.