Reflection, Thankfulness and Making Memories

Reflection, Thankfulness and Making Memories
Reflection, Thankfulness and Making Memories

With all the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, we sometimes forget to slow down, reflect and just be thankful.  Instead, during the holiday season, we tend to hurry around shopping for the perfect gifts for everyone on our list and worry about whether we have enough.  I am definitely guilty of this and find myself doing this year after year. However, this year I hope to try and slow down and focus more on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, and worry less about gifts and more about the memories we make with family and loved ones. 

It’s wonderful to see all those smiling faces on Christmas morning when opening presents.  But more importantly are the warm feelings and happy memories being made.  So, this Christmas Season remember to slow down, celebrate the magnificent birth of Jesus, take time to enjoy each other and be thankful for all the wonderful memories that we will have long after the presents are gone. 

May you make many special memories with your family and loved ones!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!