April 3rd, 2017
Reflecting on the Things That Matter
Have you ever spent any time in the Intensive Care Unit hospital waiting room? Have you been in a hospital parking lot when a life-flight is arriving or departing? Have you ever visited the morgue?
Having had several years of hospital experience that includes autopsy assistance and the trauma page response team, I can say yes to all three of these questions. I’ve seen the patients. I’ve seen the families.
Talk about reflecting on what really matters - it certainly isn’t that bad haircut or the scratch someone left on your car at the mall.
As a paralegal, I truly can envision what some of our clients have experienced and lived through before they walk through our door asking for help. Sometimes it is because of a personal experience while other times it is because they were a bystander while a relative or dear friend was fighting to survive.
When a paralegal assists with the investigation into these situations that ultimately leave people with unanswered questions, that moment to reflect comes as you work through the cases. The words on the medical records and the voices of the families become almost like a movie in your mind where you envision the events as they unfold.
So when a family on the receiving end of an accident, incident or negligent act comes to the firm asking for our help, I strive to do my very best to find the answers to the questions they are seeking. Along the way though, I always reflect. I remember the waiting rooms. I remember the helicopters in the silent night and I remember the finality of the morgue. These are things that drive me to fight for justice and lend a caring hand to those who need us because they have already been through so very much.
There are no words to describe the inside of a morgue and the reality that we are not invincible. We are very fragile, crafted beings here in this world. We are mortal. Count your blessings and if you can’t seem to concentrate on that, then go sit in the waiting room of a critical care unit or an emergency trauma department. You will find those blessings very quickly.